How to Select Your Next Pittsburgh Area Component Manufacturer (Part 2)

Are you still searching for a top-notch manufacturer to create the type of electronic components that you need to succeed? Previously we showed you how to vet manufacturers by examining quality, performance, reputation, and the finer points of their project quotes.

In this article, we will continue to guide you through the process of selecting a manufacturer by taking a close look at factors outside of a component’s price, such as reliability, capacity, and operating life. In addition, we will take a close look at manufacturer warranties and customer service policies.

 image of a man working on a computer with a frog in a jar on his desk

Look Beyond Price

When you receive a bill or a quote for any item or service, what is the first line that you look at? If you are like most people, the first figure that you look at is the final price. However, when searching for your next contract manufacturer, the final price does not tell the whole story.

The most important factor in selecting a manufacturer is their product’s reliability. If your company suffers a series of failures as a result of a manufacturer defect or negligence, you could be facing significant losses and repair costs. With this in mind, make sure that you have a solid understanding of all potential manufacturer’s reliability reputation before signing any contracts.

It is also important to judge manufacturers according to the same standards. For instance, do both products have the same thermal resistance? If not, you’re simply comparing apples and oranges.


In addition, learning details about the components themselves, always make sure to solicit information on the component’s warranty. A difference of one or two years on a company’s warranty can make a big difference when you are purchasing large quantities of critical components.

Customer Service

Lastly, do a bit of research to learn more about potential suppliers’ customer service reputation. Read online reviews and try to find previous clients in your professional network. Find out what happened when a problem occurred. Did the manufacturer fix the problem immediately or send out replacement parts? Did they make it a priority to ensure that their client’s business did not suffer as a result of their components?

These are all very important questions to have answered prior to signing a contract. Remember that you are putting your business in the hands of an unknown, so make sure that you are confident in their product, people, and integrity.