Centrx Inc., Your Pittsburgh PA. Machine Shop
Our purpose is to provide CNC machined parts and contract manufacturing services to Pittsburgh and Around the World.
We are here for the customer who seeks a close and dependable working relationship. High-quality workmanship and on-time deliveries in today’s manufacturing.
Beyond those core manufacturing fundamentals, Centrx excels in close attention to customer relationships.
And despite technology today allowing business relations across the globe many of the benefits of close-proximity manufacturing and supply are compromised. And they are not even feasibly possible with distant contract manufacturing and supply...know more?

Custom Parts
Does your business need a custom part? Then Centrx Inc., a Pittsburgh, PA. contract manufacturer is the way to go.
Off-the-shelf parts are becoming a thing of the past. With products and technology changing so quickly, product design has to ramp up so as not to be left behind.
To build and maintain a machine that will, in turn, be used in manufacturing, transportation or any industry often requires a custom design with custom parts.
If you need custom parts made for a unique design or to replace worn parts you cannot get anymore, look no further than Centrx Inc. Pittsburgh’s premier contract manufacturer is here to meet your needs.
When you work with Centrx you will have a team of professionals dedicated to making the exact parts you need with precision and detail.
The process starts with a meeting to go over the design specifications. Maybe you do not have the exact specs. That is ok. We will do the necessary reverse engineering to get the end product you are looking for. learn more?
Centrx a Pittsburgh Contract Manufacturer and Full Service Machine Shop
Your business needs a custom part? Then Centrx Inc., a Pittsburgh, PA. contract manufacturer is the way to go.
Off the shelf parts are becoming a thing of the past. With products and technology changing so quickly, product design has to ramp up so as not to be left behind.
To build and maintain a machine which will, in turn be used in manufacturing, transportation or other use will require custom design with custom parts.
If you need custom parts made for a unique design or to replace worn parts you cannot get any more, then you have Centrx Pittsburgh’s premier contract manufacturer available to meet your needs.
When you work with Centrx you will have a team of professionals dedicated to making the exact parts you need with the precision and detail you need.
The process starts with a meeting to go over the design specifications. Maybe you do not have the exact specs. That is ok. We will do the necessary reverse engineering to get the end product you are looking for. learn more?