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    So far Via has created 33 blog entries.

    The Latest Machine Shop High-Tech Advancements

    Latest Machine Shop Technologies

    Centrx Inc. Your Machine Shop in Pittsburgh PA

    Industry 4.0: have you heard of it? Machine shop technology evolves continuously over time, bringing us to the current, fourth era of the industrial revolution.

    The era of steam and water powered tools […]

    Industry Leading Machine Shop Service

    Industry Leading Machine Shop Customer Service in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 

    Centrx could not be considered part the service industry. We machine OEM parts and a broad spectrum of other tools and parts for manufacturing. But that doesn’t mean service can’t be a core part of […]

    Why Green Manufacturing Matters

    Contract Manufacturing: Why Green Manufacturing Matters

    (Part 1)
    There is a lot of talk in the transportation, food production & service, and consumer technologies sectors about the new focus on green processes and how business can help save the environment while also making money. But many in the manufacturing industry are just getting started. This article will […]

    Contract Manufacturing in Pittsburgh

    Contract Manufacturing in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

    Of all the contract manufacturing in Pittsburgh you ended up at our website. Thank you for your interest in our company. We are here to machine any custom parts you need, either original or replacement.

    There is no need to go elsewhere when you can have […]

    Centrx Inc. Is A Full Service Machining Shop And Contract Manufacturing Company Serving Pittsburgh PA. And The Surrounding Area

    Centrx Inc. is a contract manufacturing company located near Pittsburgh, PA. and we take pride in our customer service.

    Clients rely on us to be their contract manufacturing company who will provide the highest quality manufacturing with great precision in the production of every individual component.

    Whether our clients need a prototype or finished parts they can […]

    Centrx Inc. A Pittsburgh PA. Contract Manufacturer

    A Pittsburgh Contract Manufacturer and Full Service Machine Shop

    Your business needs a custom part? Then Centrx Inc., a Pittsburgh, PA. contract manufacturer is the way to go. Off the shelf parts are becoming a thing of the past. With products and technology changing so quickly, product design has to ramp up so as not […]

    Our Blog – Where Centrx Experts Share Machine Shop Expertise and Knowledge

    Why Buy American Machine Shop components?

    For many working in product procurement and industrial manufacturing, there is an interest in working with manufacturing companies that exclusively sell American Machine Shop components.

    While the phrase “Buy American” is widely known and used by the industry and general public alike, there is usually little attention paid to the reasoning behind that statement. This article will provide a detailed explanation of why you should buy American Machine Shop components, and how working with an American manufacturing company can benefit American workers, the consumer, and your own company.

    American Workers

    One of the most important reasons for working with a manufacturing company that produces American-made Machine Shop components is to support American workers, especially non-college educated, blue-collar workers.

    Every time that you purchase American-made components, you help to ensure that a fellow American is able to earn a paycheck and support their family. That’s why products manufactured by Centrx are manufactured entirely in the United States, utilizing only American workers.

    Worker Welfare

    Another major concern is the welfare of the workers in foreign factories. This is first and foremost a moral issue: your business is allowing these companies to use child labor, pay wages that are below the poverty line, and maintain a manufacturing facility that is dangerous to work in.

    This information can come back to haunt your firm. The most prominent example is Apple Computers and the controversy that arose after a rash of worker suicides at their Chinese plant.

    Safety Standards

    One major area of concern for companies contracting with foreign manufacturers, and especially Chinese firms, is the lack of safety standards. Nearly every month a major

    story exposes dangerous amounts of lead and other chemicals in Chinese products designed for the US market. In addition to using dangerous materials, the quality assurance standards at Chinese factories are far below those found in American factories.

    Environmental Concerns

    One of the biggest reasons that many consumers avoid purchasing foreign goods is the environmental impact that these factories have on their local communities and the planet.

    There are hardly any safety or environmental standards in these countries, and waste is often dumped directly into rivers, oceans, and drinking water, contaminating the environment and sickening millions of children every year.

    This can all be avoided by working with a firm that manufactures American Machine Shop components and is committed to sustainable manufacturing.


    Why Choose A Pittsburgh Machine Shop?

    Why Choose A Pittsburgh Manufacturing Company?

    Why Should You Choose A Pittsburgh Contract Manufacturing – Machine Shop  Company?

    American flag with text beneath that says Made in the USA

    Like most business owners who rely on Machine Shops or Contract Manufacturing Companies, you have come across both American and Chinese manufacturing companies.

    Both […]

    Machine Shop Quality Assurance

    SCR Clamp Quality Assurance

    If you are in the market for your next manufacturer of SCR Bar Clamps, you know how important it is to work with a manufacturer who takes SCR Clamp Quality Assurance seriously. Failure to guarantee the quality of your manufactured products can lead to catastrophic failure of these components while they are in use. And this may cause your production line to ground to a halt and lead to dozens of lost man-hours.

    Even worse, you will now have to research new component manufacturers at a time when you need reliable components the most.
    Read on to learn more about our commitment to quality and reliability in the production of our SCR holding an scr heat sink and measuring with a pair of calipers to ensure high quality

    SCR Clamp Product Design

    Centrx’s focus on quality assurance begins long before an item enters production.

    Before we approve a new design each new unit goes through a rigorous testing process.

    First, the product is designed using feedback from our customers and professionals who work with our devices on a daily basis.

    This allows us to take into account concerns and issues with current models and to design SCR Clamps made to handle any problem in the field.


    Once the product design is complete, our team creates a custom prototype, to be tested in both laboratory and real-world conditions in the field.

    If problems arise during this testing period, our team of engineers returns to the drawing board. The entire design is reconfigured until the problem is resolved.

    This new design is then formed into a prototype and undergoes another set of the same rigorous tests. Some companies will skimp on their product design testing and costs, but this can lead to major problems down the line. This is why Centrx is committed to undertaking thorough pre-production testing on all of our new designs.

    SCR Clamp Production ProcessDemonstration of Centrx's advantage in maintaining a lower operating temperature at the SCR core

    Our production processes are also created by the same engineering team that designed and tested the initial prototype.

    By working with those engineers who are intimately familiar with our products and designs, we can ensure that any potential problems in the production line are addressed in the planning stage.

    In addition, our entire team of production line workers are well-versed in the production process, and any areas that are susceptible to problems, and have the knowledge to proactively identify areas of concern.

    In addition, our machines are incredibly well-maintained and accurate, meaning that they will produce more consistent products in a timely and cost-effective manner.

    Post-Production Testing

    The final step in Centrx’s quality assurance process is post-production testing. We take quality control very seriously. This allows us to guarantee the quality and performance of our components each and every time.


    Lastly, Centrx only uses the finest input materials in the production of our SCR Clamps. Many companies will skimp out on the quality of their base materials, but this increases the likelihood of component failure, reduces the component’s effective service life, and ultimately costs your business more money in the long run.

    Further information on manufacturing quality assurance in general can be found here

    Lean Manufacturing

    Lean Manufacturing

    One of the most important movements to influence American manufacturing in the past century is the introduction of the lean manufacturing philosophy. Lean manufacturing, a systemic approach to reducing waste and increasing profits, was taken from the Toyota Production System, an approach developed by the Toyota company in the 1970s, which lead to decreases […]