Custom OEM Thermal Performance Case Study: August 2016

Centrx Liquid-Cooled Three Phase Switch Design Conserves Space and Reduces Weight While Maintaining Thermal Performance


A leading manufacturer interested in changing their existing liquid-cooled three phase switch production design for a new one intent on conserving both space and weight while maintaining thermal performance turned to Centrx for a cost effective alternative.

Thermal Performance custom OEM case study diagram of space conserved with our thin heat sinksObjective

Define the existing requirements that must remain untouched in the new design. Analyze the thermal performance, dimensional space and weight of the existing production assemblies. Provide a production solution offering thermal cooling performance meeting or exceeding the current design while reducing physical space and weight footprint by 20 percent.


Supplied with real assembly components, parts and pieces from the client’s existing design, three dimensional solid CAD models were exactly created into a digital assembly for thermal flow simulation modeling. It is said ‘discovering where you are precedes the step to where you want to be’. We recognized obvious advantages the Centrx product line offered that would help reach the project objectives. The recreation of the old design in digital form brought to light a number of discoveries we could counter with our advantages. The extra work was worth it, just like the saying, those tiny discoveries compound to big results! The digital model of the client’s existing design was then compared to a model containing our products; thermal performance, dimensional space, and final weight.

The CAD Models

Each part and component comprising the client’s existing design were digitally modeled into exacting replications. That is dimensionally, weight, material alloy, finish and other criteria. The modeled parts then were used to clone an assembly model replicating the Client’s existing production standard. Once complete Centrx’s design model was overlaid immediately displaying a huge space conservation. We were on our way. Just by changing to Centrx’s ‘hard components’ the foot print space requirement alone provided a 12 percent savings; and the weight reduction resulted a whopping 37 percent!

Advancements in materials and manufacturing technologies promotes a huge weight reduction and space conservation. Discover why our SCR Heat Sinks offer space saving advantages!

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