Emerging SCR Manufacturing Industry Trends in 2017

SCR Manufacturing Trends 2017The SCR manufacturing industry is constantly changing. From the original skilled artisans that birthed the industry to the assembly line innovations of the Ford Motor Company, the SCR manufacturing sector is constantly changing. As we enter 2017, there are several factors that may affect the health and performance of the US SCR manufacturing industry. While there are several potential disruptors that have the capacity to dramatically reshape the field, the most important factors are the rise in 3D printing, shorter product lifecycles, and increased focus on green and sustainable manufacturing processes.

Here at Centrx, our engineering and SCR Clamp teams are embracing these changes wholeheartedly. Read on to learn more about the types of changes that you can expect to see in the industrial SCR manufacturing field, as well as how Centrx will apply these changes into our SCR Clamps production process.

3D Printing

Long seen as a fringe technology with little real-world applications by the general public, 3D printing has become more technologically advanced, cheaper, and more accessible to laypeople. One of the main benefits associated with 3D printing is the ability to create product prototypes at a much faster rate. Previously, an engineering design team was required to build a prototype completely from scratch before they could perform any necessary tests. However, 3D printing will allow engineering teams to create a prototype and test the device in a fraction of the time.

In addition, 3D printing will allow the customer to become more involved in the design and production process. For instance, if you are looking to design a custom SCR Clamp for your business, you could provide a set of requirements and specifications to our engineering team, who can create a 3D prototype for you to use just days after the design is completed.

Shorter Product Lifecycles

Another huge change to the consumer SCR manufacturing world is the ever shortening of the product lifecycle. For example, just two decades ago, when a consumer purchased a product they expected to use the product for years–and sometimes even decades–after the original purchase. Today, however, the average consumer purchases an electronic device, such as a smartphone or laptop, with the expectation of upgrading their technology within 1-3 years. This means that consumer products manufacturers must be prepared to develop and bring to market new technology on an almost yearly basis.

Green Manufacturing

One of the biggest disruptors in the business-to-customer field is the increased concern with a company’s environmental and social policies. Consumers are increasingly becoming savvy researchers of their favorite brand’s sustainability initiatives, support for progressive and conservative causes, and focus on their employees’ well-being. In order to remain competitive in the consumer product SCR manufacturing industry, manufacturers will have to adjust.